lundi 3 février 2014

Dogs games (Kenta and Tiki)

To watch the slideshow, please click HERE
Pour regarder le diaporama, cliquez ICI

Jeux de chiens

mercredi 16 octobre 2013

For Rüdiger and Deanna

Mestizaje (Ska-P)

99% - Nouvel album de SKA-P (prononcer Eska-pe)

Full Gas

 Canto A La Rebelión

Ciudadano Papagayo 

Pandemia, S.L. 

Se Acabó



Alí Baba 


Bajo Vigilancia



¿Quienes Soís?

Radio Falacia

Africa Agónica

mardi 8 octobre 2013

That's was my Ghania

Ghania was a fighter.
She fought every day in her life, against bull fights, against fascism, against racism. She fought for Palestine, for Leonard Peltier, for Mumia Abu-Jamal...
She never hesitated to put herself in danger, she had been injured in Rodilhan trying to prevent a fucking bull fight, and she was ready to do it again.

Ghania was a wonderful woman. 

She was beautiful, she had the most beautiful smile. She was a very sensitive person. We talked a lot about my brother's death, and she helped me so much.

Ghania was a funny woman.
I'll remember forever the giggles we shared together.
I remember the first time I "met" her; we "squatted" the same fascists FB group against strikes, and I requested her as a friend. As the same time, my dog Kenta Sakamoto wrote also in this group, pretending to be a very reactionary japanese living in France and telling the most awful and stupid things about the strikers (I can't tell how many FB requests he got from those assholes). When I told Ghania the awful japanese was my dog, and that I spent my days apologising to him for having used him that way, she couldn't stop laughing, and she told me many times about that.

Ghania was my elected sister.
I will never forget her.

The music I used for the slideshow is Vergüenza, de Ska-P, against bull fights. She loved it.


lundi 7 octobre 2013

Ma Ghania, mon amie, ma soeur

J'ai eu l'immense privilège que tu me considère comme ton amie, ta soeur.
J'ai reçu il y a seulement quelques jours ton dernier cadeau, j'avais commandé Kafka sur le rivage pour toi, parce que j'étais sûre que tu l'adorerais. J'allais te l'envoyer cet après-midi. Et j'ai appris ce matin que tu nous a quittés.
Je suis très malheureuse, hermanita. Tu me manques déjà immensément, tu me manqueras tant que je serai vivante. Et tu vivras encore un peu en moi tant que je serai vivante.
Tu sais, Marie a beaucoup de peine aussi.
Je voulais te dire adieu, alors, comme tu aimais mes photos, je t'ai fait ce diaporama.
Avec uniquement des animaux, querida...
Et pas de musique triste pour toi, jamais!
Je t'aime hermana.

 Ton Flocon, tu lui manques aussi...